Start Here!  Membership Process Overview

The journey toward membership and accreditation can seem overwhelming, but we are here to help each step of the way.  The following information will provide you an overview of the membership process and what needs to be done (and by when).  If at any time you would like a friendly human (yes—a real person!) to guide you through and answer questions, please call us at (800) 272-8258.  

Step 1: New Membership Application

The first step in joining ASA is to submit the following information online:

  • Online membership application;
  • Upload three letters of reference—use our Reference Letter Form;
  • Upload resume or qualifications statement; and
  • Pay the application fee, first year of dues, and the optional journal subscription fee.

Once your membership application has been approved, you will become an Applicant.  

Step 2: Become a Candidate

As an Applicant, you have ten (10) months from your approval date to complete the following two (2) requirements to become a Candidate Member.

  • Pass the ASAʼs Online Ethics Exam (this online, open book exam is free of charge).  Instructions to register for the exam will be provided upon approval of your application; and
  • Pass the appropriate Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) course depending on your discipline and whether you are up-to-date with your USPAP continuing education requirements)*.

Candidates are non-credentialed, dues paying members of ASA who are on a path to obtain the Accredited Member (AM) designation or the Accredited Senior Appraisers (ASA) designation. As a Candidate you will remain at this level until your education and experience requirements are fulfilled. 

* Real Property applicants may provide their current state license in lieu of the 15-hour USPAP requirement.

Step 3: Apply for Accredited Member (AM) or Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) Designation

Candidates who have met their disciplineʼs accreditation criteria are ready to submit an online accreditation application for accreditation which includes:

  • Proof of education (upload transcript);
  • An Appraisal Experience Log (samples may be found in your discipline's accreditation guide);
  • An appraisal report(s) for peer-review;
  • A current USPAP certificate; and
  • Completion of the online accreditation application and payment of the accreditation fee.

ASA has an active Mentor Program for those who would like help navigating the accreditation process,  Click on the chat in the right hand corner or contact us and we will help get you started.  

Accredited Member (AM) Designation

If you completed the education requirements for your discipline and have two to five (2-5) years of full-time appraisal experience, you are eligible to apply for the Accredited Member (AM) designation.

Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) Designation

If you completed the education requirements for your discipline and have five (5) years or more of full-time appraisal experience, you are eligible to apply for the Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) designation.