Earn up to 5 ASA CE/CPE Instructional Hours
Don't miss ASA’s specialized ESOP event! Join us online this summer as our industry experts dive into the intricacies of employee stock ownership plans (ESOP) and how they affect experts in or adjacent to the appraisal profession.
Kim Blaugher, Executive Director | Beyster Institute
Scott Leach, Director | BDO Capital Advisors, LLC
Jade Palermo, Senior Manager | Empire Valuation Consultants
Valuation of Transaction-Related Items (Warrants, SARs, Earnouts/Claw backs)
Michael McGinley, Managing Director | Prairie Capital Advisors
Perry Walter, ASA, CFA, Director of ESOP Transactions | SCJ Fiduciary Services
Peter Jones, Partner, Tucker Ellis
Reviewing Reports And Data Visualization
Laura Pfeiffenberger, ASA, Senior Vice President, ESOP Client Advisor | Spinnaker Trust (moderator)
Adrian Loud, ASA, CPA, ABC, CFF, CVA, Managing Director | Censeo Advisors
Seth Webber, ASA, CFA, CEPA, Principal | Berry Dunn
The ESOP Association's Proposal for Department of Labor Regulation Definition of Adequate Consideration
Jeffrey Tarbell, ASA, CFA, Director | Houlihan Lokey (moderator)
Steve Nelson, ASA, Managing Director, Chartwell
Lars Golumbic, Principal, Litigation Co-Chair | Groom Law Group
Andrew Salek-Raham, Principal | Groom Law Group
Check out the full agenda, here.
Up to 5 CE/CPE Instructional Hours
NASBA Knowledge Type: Specialized Knowledge
Prerequisites: None
Required Pre-Course Work: None
Program Level: Intermediate
If you are a designated member of ASA, CE credit will automatically be entered into your record after participating in the live webinar. Certificate of completion access is immediate once all required components are completed.
Event Sponsors: Empire Valuation Consultants